Tears of a Witch

As I wander through the beloved woods, ever so grounded and connected to Spirit, I begin to think of the fear of witchcraft.
Such a fear was started by a religious belief system seeking power and control over others. And through the last two centuries this baseless fear has resonated like a war drum through generations of folks.
Folks who dared to walk a path that began with the dawn of humankind have lost their homes, their belongings and in many a case, their very lives.
And so I pause beside a woodland stream, I wonder why.
Are we not all seekers of the light?
Do we not all seek the answers to the Great Mysteries within our own beliefs?
Are not all beliefs systems, whether religious and/or spiritual simply a possibility to achieving one's afterlife goals?
For no religion and/or spiritual path has a definitive answer to what our chosen Deity has in mind as far as the Grand scheme of things.
As I watch the rivulets of water wash over this streambed strewn with multi-colored pebbles, I think of how generations of folks have come and gone, much like how each rivulet passes down stream. And yet such
misguided beliefs have remained in place like the pebbles cascaded across the bed of this secluded stream. Unmoved though a new generation of water sweeps over them.
And then I begin to think that if we do not have the answers, why one would want to be locked into a strict dogma that filters out any new and fresh ideas about spiritual ascension. Seeking answers to such a grand mystery is an on going process. Choosing to be stagnant in ones spiritual progression leads me to think that perhaps such a belief system it's not about spiritual growth to begin with.
And so why the hate mongering and the overwhelming fear?
If one is secure within their beliefs, shouldn't there be a tendency to at least listen to others even if one chooses not to accept what one hears from others? This is known as communication. But when there is no such open communication, it leads me to wonder where the insecurities that have spanned so many decades are originating from.
For as a witch, I offer no harm to anyone unless it is in self defense. I seek not to convince others of my beliefs; for such beliefs are a mark of my individuality and are constantly undergoing changes as new revelations becomes available.
Does such institutional fear come from the knowledge that a witch connects with Mother Earth as a way of life? I would ask why those who carry such fear in their hearts do not themselves utilize such a rich resource of knowledge. For such knowledge is there for all.
Witches are chastised and have even been put to death for connecting with the spirit realm, and I wonder why. Do we not all have a spirit within us and will we not all revert to spirit when our time in this realm comes to a close? What is there to fear?
Witches are disavowed for drawing upon the energy that is all about us and manifesting this energy into a tangible result. Do not all religions and/or spiritual beliefs follow similar patterns though they may use different words and actions to initiate such workings?
Is not such a divine gift available openly and freely to all who seek such inherent abilities? Does Deity select but one belief system and cater to just those thoughts? Or does Deity transcend such narrow parameters and in fact respond to all who seek regardless of which path they follow?
So why manifest such lies and unfounded hatred?
As this stream in the middle of the woods flows over the bed of pebbles, does it really care if some pebbles are red, or brown, or black? Or does it just want to be free to follow its destiny without a barrier created by humans. Are humans any less worthy of such a freedom within their beliefs?
As I think these thoughts, tears run down my cheeks. As a witch I seek to stay connected with the old ways. Ways that have served humankind for so long. Ways that open doors to those places that are now shrouded in the mists of ignorance. Ways that allow me to utilize introspection in an effort to see my own faults and thus gives me the strength to address them in a positive manner.
Are such practices so terrible that they deserve the scorn of so many who do not attempt to try and understand?
As a witch, I too walk about in a state of fear. A fear based upon the realities of our society. There is the fear that I may lose my means of employment, if my spiritual path comes to light. This is an established fear that has come to pass at one point in my life.
There is the fear that bodily harm could come to me and my loved ones by those who blindly wallow in ignorance, simply because I choose to believe as an individual. This is yet another bitter experience that
has raised its ugly head at one point in my life.
And once again, I have to ask why.
Why can we not all accept the fact that we are seekers on the path of life? And as it is with such travelers, no one person has all of the answers.
As I stand here on this cold autumn morning and watch this small stream flow by, I know within my heart that in time this stream will wear down the pebbles that it flows over. And that in time new pebbles will take their place. As a witch and as a human, I can only hope that such a transition will take place in the river of life and
that the fear and the ignorance will in time be worn down as well.
I desire that which I wish for others, the right to follow my path without obstructions being placed before me by other humans.
I seek to not judge others nor do I seek to be judged.
