The Voice of Spirit

From the realm of spirit to the physical realm we are each sent forth. And like a babe in the woods we are exposed from the instant of birth until our final breath, to the cacophony of life. We experience the intrusion of sound and physical experiences at every step of our journey. Throughout our lives the voices and actions of others of our kind seek to influence us to their ways. Like a leaf caught in the maelstrom of the ocean, we are tossed this way and that by the opinions and biases of those around us.
Every human on earth seeks to offer answers to questions that they don't understand. And yet so few will admit to such a lack of understanding.
Rather then admit to being ignorant of the meaning of life, humans will create endless facades.
We create religions and politics and engage in wars in the name of Deity, and still we don't follow the most obvious choice and that is to stop and listen to the voice of Spirit.
And yet I wonder if the voice of Spirit is of a sound that we cannot hear.
Unless of course we shut out the din of those around us who themselves have not the answers.
Every human on earth from an atheist to a member of a religion to those who follow a spiritual path is a seeker to some degree.
And even though we are all naive students in the course of life the din of voices never seems to subside. At what point do we admit that we don't have all of the answers and finally sit back and simply listen?
Every person on earth has one thing in common. And that commonality is belief. Whether it is in the belief of something or against a given belief, it serves as a common ground for all. And so what us it, that drives us to such lengths to establish our thoughts in such a manner?
Could this be the language in which Spirit speaks to each of us?
When a student of life walks into the comforting embrace of a deep and ancient forest, and thoughts that are not ones own begin to fill ones head, could this be the voice of Spirit?
Is it that Spirit speaks to us in a way that requires us to set aside our own voices and simply listen?
What if the whole world suddenly ceased the din of self serving admonishments of each others beliefs and personal biases and just listened to the voice of Spirit?
What kind of a world would we have then, I wonder?
Would it be the chaotic morass of humanity that we have today? Would humanity be splintered into so many invectives if we were able and willing to recognize our lack of existential knowledge and let Spirit show us the way?
Realistically our species has proven as a whole to be incapable of such a basic discipline, preferring instead to engage in insecurities brought on by our lack of understanding of life not only in this realm but throughout the spiritual journey assigned to each of us.
These insecurities are borne out by our eagerness to engage in prejudices based upon the color of ones skin, ones religious/spiritual beliefs, political views, ethnicity and a myriad of other redundant excuses of why one student is crowing about how they are superior to another, at least within each ones own minds.
And yet there is a small reprieve from such self imposed roadblocks on seeking such answers to the Great Mysteries of life.
Fortunately spiritual growth is not dependent on our species as a whole crossing through the threshold of realization as one. Each one of us has the opportunity to make an independent decision on whether to allow the voice of Spirit to filter through the detritus of our minds. We can each decide on whether to be an attentive student or simply melding into the mob of lost souls who seek no better alternatives.
As it is, Spirit speaks to us in many different ways. If only we are willing to take the time to listen.
Have you ever found yourself drifting off into that mysterious realm of dreams only to encounter a dream that was so vivid and different from your normal experiences in such an ethereal landscape that it left you questioning the import of such a dream?
Could this be the voice of Spirit speaking out to you?
Have you ever ascended into the depths of a deep and contemplative meditation and while on your journey you began to have images from an unknown source flash across the dark void of your subconscious?
Could this be Spirit seeking to make a connection?
The voice of Spirit comes across as a quiet offering that does not attempt to shout above the din of noise created by humankind. For Spirit is indisputably the ancient teacher and not the boisterous students known as humankind. The voice of Spirit is a teacher that transcends the dawn of humanity itself.
How many times have you found yourself in a contentious situation that required a difficult decision to be made and it was suggested that you listen to your “Inner” voice?
Could this Inner voice actually be the sage voice of Spirit patiently waiting to offer you guidance in your time of dire need? Could such an inner voice be the thread of communication that Spirit uses to connect with all of humanity regardless of the multitude of divisions that we devise to separate ourselves from one another?
Oftentimes a loud voice is used to drown out that which we don't want to hear or that which we are uncomfortable with or simply don't understand. Could it be that humanity as a whole is through its very self destructive actions, doing just this? Could it be that our ignorance and/or our fear of the unknown is causing us to drown out the voice of Spirit?
The voice of Spirit is the torch in the night that will lead us along the path of growth when all else is in darkness.
Are you willing and able to heed it?
